The Garage, The Beginning
Kevin at the Sabco in Brickman's Garage
A few days ago, we closed the door of Brickman's garage for the last time. We had brewed in the garage since 2010 when, after purchasing the Sabco, we talked with our friend, Tom Brickman, who agreed to rent us the space on Jefferson Avenue in Church Hill. The garage had water and electric, but was in need of some repair. With the help of Brickman, we breathed new life into what was once his wife's art studio.
Tom and co-op member
We bought a couple of refrigerators off Craigslist (Harvest Gold!), and brought in lumber, a few thermostats, an old air-conditioning unit, and a space heater. Although we had a tricky time building the fermentation room in a space that had no right angles or even a level floor, we made it work. In the summer, our antique of an air-conditioner strained the garage's meager electrical supply. When the breakers flipped, we scrambled. In the winter, the cold water turned our hands blue as we sanitized bottles. But we brewed most every Sunday, testing new recipes and techniques. We researched and read as much about brewing history as we could lay our hands on and put it to use in the garage. Eventually, we produced a number of beers we felt we could call our own.
On those Sundays, we threw open the garage door and first co-op members came, and then fellow brewers and beer lovers, and then members of the Church Hill community. We were overwhelmed by the support offered to us by so many. We will always feel a little sad when we think of Sundays in the garage, but we hope that the folks who joined us there will join us at our new home in Scott's Addition.
Thank you, Church Hill.