Join us on Saturday for the release of IPL, our dry-hopped India pale lager!
When we first brewed IPL in 2015, it was our first true lager. Up to that point, we had only brewed lager hybrids. It was getting to be springtime, and we were craving something sessionable for the warmer weather. Kevin wanted hoppy, Tom wanted low ABV, done. Ten minutes later we had a recipe written and we started brewing. The 2015 release was a great event and the beer was well-received, so we’ve brought it back every year since. For a session beer, we really enjoy how the IPL isn’t just one-note; it gives you hoppy aroma, offers lots of flavor, and finishes with a nice snap. We think the low ABV and IBU make it the perfect choice to fill up your growler and head outside.
Tasting notes: The Ardent session IPL is a dry-hopped India pale lager. This golden-straw-colored beer offers big aromatics of tropical fruits and citrus from the Mosaic dry hop. The medium body leads into tropical flavors with slight malt sweetness and herbal bitterness. Finishes clean, crisp, and light. 4.6% ABV, 25 IBU.
ZZQ will be here from noon until they sell out, and Continental Divide will join us at 4pm. Come enjoy the warm weather with great food and some sessionable brews.